Security Awareness Training


Security Awareness is one of the most important control in information security. It aims to make normal users and non-technical users aware of their responsibilities for information security, and let them aware about threats and potential risks while using technology includes, the internet, software and services.

Today secure technology such as: anti-malware, firewall, IPS, IDS, etc. alone cannot protect you, unless you are educated on how to use the technology with the right way especially when you are connected to any network (internet, intranet), because most security issues, threats and risks depend on human error or human misuse of technology. The main goal of security awareness is to develop and educate normal users and non-technical users about cybersecurity threats and risks in order to avoid them and keep personal and corporate information protected.


Impact of unauthorized access.

Protecting against social engineering attacks.

Phishing attack.

Secure e-mail practices.

Avoiding malicious software – viruses, spyware, adware, etc.

Mobile device security.

Secure browsing the internet.

=== Course Duration ===

  • 6 Hours.

=== Training Registration ===

  • To register for this course, please fill the Registration Form or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.